View Profile Shintoku
You know that feeling you get when you stand up too fast after you have laid down for a while? That's how I always feel.

Colin Lovvorn @Shintoku

Age 37, Male




Joined on 10/25/07

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3,250 / 3,600
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5.96 votes
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Shintoku's News

Posted by Shintoku - May 1st, 2009

Ever since I was 13, I dreamed of becoming a guitarist. I was influenced by several, but my two favorites were always Dimebag Darrell, R.I.P., and Zakk Wylde. Well, last weekend, I was given the chance to meet one of my heros, Zakk fucking Wylde! It was awesome, we got to take pictures with him, ask him questions, and just hang out with the guy. He was really laid back, yet at the same time, really fucking hardcore. We talked for about ten minutes about when the new album might come out and why it's been so long since he's been in the studio. It was fucking awesome. He also told us that the 60 bucks extra we spent on tickets is going to his St. Judes cancer research fund. He's a really cool guy.

On a different note, during the concert, some douchebag was picking fights with everyone, and I stood up to him. He was claiming that he was going to knock my teeth out and then he spit in my fucking face. So, I, not being the pussy type, threw him to the ground and proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of him, but soon security was all over us. Turns out he was arrested for assault because of the spitting on me. So he was embarrassed when I beat him down, then he was arrested. That is some funny shit.

I am still available for voice acting if anyone has the need, so don't be hesitant on pm-ing me. I'll also have a voice demo out soon!!!

I met Zakk Wylde!!!

Posted by Shintoku - April 19th, 2009

I saw this a few months ago and thought it was pretty funny. The ending has some pretty cool animation, as well. It's proof that a funny idea can make something succeed without overhauling the graphics.

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On a different note, I'm always available for voice acting, so if any one needs an actor, I'm your man!

Posted by Shintoku - April 16th, 2009

How many passes does the white team make?

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Posted by Shintoku - April 15th, 2009

I'm really liking the projects i've been involved in, and would love to do more! A few of them are still not out, so watch out for that. If anyone needs a voice actor, pm me or email me at colin_lovvorn69@hotmail.com. I am open to do most any voice, so hit me up!

On a different note, I'm signed up to go to Digital Imaging and Design classes in the fall. I'm freaking pumped! Hopefully, that will allow me to get better at animation and bring my stories to life. It's so frustrating having plans for some animations to only see I'm not good enough to do them. >:(

Here's another pic of me and my used to be long hair. I miss it so much, but short hair is WAY easier.

I'm available for voice acting

Posted by Shintoku - February 25th, 2009

For the last few months, I haven't been so sure about what I want to do as a career. It's been from music to computers to real estate(depressing), but I think I might have found my nitch. I would love to be a voice actor. I know it will be hard, but I think I have the determination to succeed.

So, I've been landing a few roles here and there, just on some internet videos, and I am willing to give out my services for free, only asking for a spot in the credits. If anyone needs a voice actor for there project, pm me and I'll get back to you.

P.S. I will respond to any messages, but i'm busy a lot, so be patient and I'll get back to you!

Haha! Here's a pic from a couple of years ago when I was growing my hair out!

Voice acting

Posted by Shintoku - February 5th, 2009

Ever since I was young, The movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" has been one of my favorite, "Classic" movies. It creeped me out and also made me laugh. Well, The creative mind of Henry Selick, director of said classic Nightmare before christmas, is partaking in another stop motion movie, "Coraline". It looks cool and creepy and reminds me of my younger years.

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I think the animation will be stunning. Is anyone else excited about this PG rated film?

Posted by Shintoku - January 11th, 2009

Getting better at drawing isn't easy. Every time I think I'm doing better, I mess something else up. Any advice?

I'm tying so hard to get better

Posted by Shintoku - December 8th, 2008

4 years ago today, Dimebag Darrell, one of the greatest guitar legends of all time was brutally shot and murdered while playing a show with his band, "Damage Plan". He was known by all as the ultimate shredding guitarist for Pantera. His guitar playing was indeed phenominal. He made professionals look foolish and made kids like me into his idols. He would party with his fans after shows and even occasionally jam with them. He was also known as the kind hearted man that would give guitars to kids at guitar shops and give them lessons, right then and there. Words can't express the kind of person he was. He will never die. He will live on in the hearts of all. He will be missed forever.

Rest in Peace, Dimebag. Rest in peace.


R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell

Posted by Shintoku - April 8th, 2008

Diefulgur is the lightning god in "Delving into Evil". He is a work in progress and won't be shown until late in the series. He makes swift decisions and never falters in his logic. He wants complete obedience from his subjects. If they challenge his word, well... he'll throw down.


Posted by Shintoku - February 4th, 2008

"Does ones life mean more than another's? If you kill an enemy, does his family's grief mean nothing? It's best not to think of things such as this. It makes it harder to not hesitate before a mission."

Delving into Evil follows Tenebrious, a soldier/assassin for the Vigorian empire. He kills without regard for his enemy, but masks the pain he feels inside. It is only a job to him, but soon, it will become more personal than he had ever feared.

Update: The show is coming along nicely. It looks great, but animation is still a problem. It'll be good before I submit anything. I hate horrible movies that seem half finished. This does mean that it will take me at least a month longer to finish, putting it at about April. It's worth it though, I guess.

This road(pictured) stretches from Moargaurd to Craden: Two cities under the Pernicion government(The bad guys). Escorting officers between cities can be tricky.

Delving into Evil